What is the development history of 2-Ppole 2-wire plug?

Summary:The2-pole 2-wire plugis a type of electrical plug that has two prongs that are used to connect electrical devices to a p···
The 2-pole 2-wire plug is a type of electrical plug that has two prongs that are used to connect electrical devices to a power source. The development of this type of plug can be traced back to the early 20th century.
In the United States, the 2-pole 2-wire plug was first introduced by the Edison Electric Company in the early 1900s. This plug was designed to be used with the company's newly developed electric lamps, which were becoming increasingly popular in homes and businesses.


The original 2-pole 2-wire plug had two flat blades that were set at a 45-degree angle to the plug body. This design allowed the plug to be inserted into an electrical outlet in only one orientation, which helped to prevent electrical shocks.
Over time, the design of the 2-pole 2-wire plug evolved, with various improvements and modifications being made to make the plug safer and more efficient. One significant improvement was the addition of a third prong, which was used for grounding the plug and reducing the risk of electrical shock.
Today, the 2-pole 2-wire plug is commonly used in many parts of the world, including the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It is still widely used for small electrical appliances and devices that do not require grounding, such as lamps, clocks, and radios.